
grain stage Learn more about grain stage

  • The wheat harvest at the end of wax ripening is of high quality and high yield.

    The wheat harvest at the end of wax ripening is of high quality and high yield.

    In recent years, researchers have studied the grain filling rate of many wheat varieties, and the 1000-grain weight is the maximum at the end of wheat wax ripening. After 3 days of harvest, the average daily weight per 1000-grain weight decreased by 0.3-9.4 g, while that per 1000-grain weight decreased by 1-1.2 g per day from the 4th to 5th day. If it is calculated according to 350000 ~ 400000 ears per mu and 35 grains per panicle, the yield will be reduced by 1315kg per mu when the 1000-grain weight is reduced by 1g. The results show that the harvest of wheat is the most suitable at the end of wax ripening, because the stems and leaves of wheat are in the milk stage.

  • Management requirements of flowering and Grain stage of High-yield Maize against early senescence and lodging

    Management requirements of flowering and Grain stage of High-yield Maize against early senescence and lodging

    Management requirements of flowering and Grain stage of High-yield Maize against early senescence and lodging

  • How to manage the popcorn period?

    How to manage the popcorn period?

    How to manage the popcorn period? Please introduce the flowering and kernel stage refers to the period from tasseling to maturity of corn. This stage of vegetative growth basically ends, from the panicle stage of vegetative growth and reproductive growth go hand in hand, into flowering and pollen, fertilization and fruiting as the center of reproductive growth period, is the formation of yield, determine the number of grains per panicle and grain weight.

  • E-commerce of grain and oil has entered a new stage of precision marketing.

    E-commerce of grain and oil has entered a new stage of precision marketing.

    E-commerce of grain and oil has entered a new stage of precision marketing.

  • At present, a bumper wheat harvest is in sight to ensure the high yield of wheat at the right time.

    At present, a bumper wheat harvest is in sight to ensure the high yield of wheat at the right time.

    At present, a bumper wheat harvest is in sight to ensure the high yield of wheat at the right time.

  • Key points of Management in Grain filling stage of planting Rice

    Key points of Management in Grain filling stage of planting Rice

    The grain filling stage is the key period to determine the yield of rice. Field management should aim to maintain roots and protect leaves, prevent premature senescence, improve photosynthetic efficiency, promote grain filling, and increase seed setting rate and grain weight. First, apply grain fertilizer to look at the seedlings, the fields and the sky. The leaves are yellow and swords.

    2020-11-08 Planting rice grain filling stage management key points
  • Sprinkler Irrigation of Soybean at Grain filling stage

    Sprinkler Irrigation of Soybean at Grain filling stage

    Soybean still needs some water and nutrients to promote material accumulation and maturity, increase seed setting rate and increase yield when soybean enters the grain filling stage and maturity stage. For many years, soybean has entered the grain filling stage, which is generally very dry, which has an adverse effect on the grain filling maturity of top and upper soybean. In response, some farmers used sprinkler irrigation well water to alleviate the drought during this period. The production practice has proved that the soybean pumped and sprayed at the grain filling stage can not promote maturity, but will lead to the early withering and death of some branches and plants, thus reducing the yield. The reason is that soybeans

  • How to manage wheat in the later stage when spike number has been determined, grain number and grain weight are changeable?

    How to manage wheat in the later stage when spike number has been determined, grain number and grain weight are changeable?

    How to manage wheat in the later stage when spike number has been determined, grain number and grain weight are changeable?

  • What should you pay attention to before harvesting wheat?

    What should you pay attention to before harvesting wheat?

    What should you pay attention to before harvesting wheat? The following points should be paid attention to in harvesting wheat: first, the most suitable harvest stage for wheat is from the end of wax ripening to the full ripening stage. The suitable harvest time is high yield, good quality and high germination rate. Early harvest, not full grain, low yield and poor quality. The harvest is too late.

  • Technical measures to prevent the production of empty chaff grains in Rice

    Technical measures to prevent the production of empty chaff grains in Rice

    The empty grain of rice refers to the empty grain that is not fertilized and the half-empty grain that can not develop after fertilization, which has a great influence on the yield of rice. Therefore, in rice production, in addition to striving for more panicles and large panicles, it is necessary to reduce empty grains, increase seed setting rate and increase 1000-grain weight in order to obtain high yield. At present, it is the filling and fruiting stage of rice. In order to prevent the production of empty grains and achieve the goal of high yield, comprehensive preventive measures must be taken. The specific measures are as follows: 1. The physiological forms of good fruiting varieties are different among rice varieties, and the seed setting rate varies greatly.

  • How to prevent yield reduction during wheat harvest?

    How to prevent yield reduction during wheat harvest?

    How to prevent yield reduction during wheat harvest? What factors will lead to a reduction in production? The ripening process of wheat includes two stages: the wax ripening stage and the complete ripening stage, and the best harvest period is the last wax ripening stage. Because the 1000-grain weight of wheat reached the maximum at the end of wax ripening, the harvest yield was the highest at this time. If the harvest time is inappropriate, too early or too late.

  • State Food Administration: China's grain stocks reach new highs

    State Food Administration: China's grain stocks reach new highs

    According to the website of the State Food Administration, the Grain Administration issued a notice on October 8, demanding that the autumn grain purchase and autumn safe grain storage work in 2015 be done well. The circular shows that provincial grain administrative departments and branches of China Grain Reserve will join forces between mid-October and the end of November.

    2016-01-10 state grain bureau china grain stock new high according to
  • China's grain inventory reaches a new high the Grain Bureau will organize a special inspection of autumn grain.

    China's grain inventory reaches a new high the Grain Bureau will organize a special inspection of autumn grain.

    According to the website of the State Grain Administration, the Grain Administration issued a notice today calling for the purchase of autumn grain in 2015 and safe grain storage in autumn. The circular shows that all provincial grain administrative departments and branches of grain storage should

    2016-01-10 China grain inventory reach new high grain bureau will organize autumn grain
  • How to grow more empty chaff grains in hybrid rice?

    How to grow more empty chaff grains in hybrid rice?

    How to grow more empty chaff grains in hybrid rice? What methods can be used to control the empty seeds of hybrid rice can be controlled by the following methods: 1, according to local conditions, select good hybrid varieties with good recoverability. One is to select varieties with strong tillering ability, sufficient effective panicles, seed setting rate and high 1000-grain weight. The second is to choose.

  • Several foliar fertilizers sprayed in the later stage of wheat cropping

    Several foliar fertilizers sprayed in the later stage of wheat cropping

    Spraying foliar fertilizer in the later stage of wheat can prolong the functional period of canopy leaves, promote the transport of photosynthates to grains, increase the number of full grains, improve 1000-grain weight and quality, and generally increase production by 5% to 10%. Commonly used foliar fertilizers are as follows: 1. Yemanbao contains humic acid and trace elements, which can enhance the stress resistance of wheat and supplement trace elements. Spray once at booting stage and after heading and flowering, each time 7 to 10 milliliters per mu, add 2% urea, spray 30 kg of water. Generally, the 1000-grain weight can be increased by 1g and 2g, and the yield can be increased.

  • How to fertilize soybeans?

    How to fertilize soybeans?

    How to fertilize soybeans? What are the characteristics of soybean fertilizer requirement? The law of fertilizer absorption of soybean. The growth and development of soybean can be divided into seedling stage, branching stage, flowering stage, podding stage, grain filling stage and mature stage. The whole growth period is from 90 to 130 days, and the law of fertilizer absorption is nitrogen absorption rate. The emergence and branching period accounted for 15% of the total nitrogen uptake during the whole growth period.

  • Technical measures for the Management of flowering and Grain stage of Summer Maize

    Technical measures for the Management of flowering and Grain stage of Summer Maize

    The main goal of this period is to maintain roots and protect leaves, prevent premature senility and greed, prolong the functional period of green leaves, prevent grain abortion, and improve seed setting rate and grain weight. One is to apply grain fertilizer skillfully: the so-called skillful application should depend on the appearance of the plant in the field, with sufficient fertilizer in the ear, good plant appearance and leaf color.

    2020-11-08 Planting summer popcorn grain stage management technology measures this period the main
  • How can summer corn be planted with high yield?

    How can summer corn be planted with high yield?

    How can summer corn be planted with high yield? Please introduce the method of planting summer corn if you want to obtain high yield, you can refer to the following methods: 1. Select seeds: before sowing, spread the corn seeds evenly and sun for 2 days, and then remove small grains, blighted grains, broken grains and mildew grains, which is the basis for cultivating strong seedlings. 2. Single seed seed: single seed seed can.

  • Do a good job in the management of flowering and fruiting stage of grape in greenhouse

    Do a good job in the management of flowering and fruiting stage of grape in greenhouse

    Do a good job in the management of flowering and fruiting stage of grape in greenhouse

  • When is the better time to harvest wheat?

    When is the better time to harvest wheat?

    The best harvest time for wheat is when the wheat is well-done, not when the wheat is ten ripe, that is to say, the wheat wax ripening stage is the best harvest time. You may have heard this before, but what is the specific scientific reason? Let's take a look at it next.

    2020-11-09 Wheat when harvest than better wheat the best